Company Overview
Piper Joinery Ltd has been established for over 50 years and in 2011 was acquired by the Morrisroe Group. The company has gone from strength to strength and enjoys the backing of a substantial company within the construction industry.
Our factory in Ashford, Kent has over 55,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing capacity, employing highly skilled craftsmen.
We provide a comprehensive service including interpretation of conceptual ideas, material expertise, design and manufacture.
We combine modern day manufacturing with time served traditional craftsmen. Our reputation for producing high quality specialist joinery together with more standard joinery solutions has established Piper Joinery Ltd as a company of high reputation within this specialist sector of the construction industry.

Royston Cobb


Our People and Our Systems
With the wealth of experience that our staff have built up over the years, everyone is encouraged to contribute to the overall success of every project we undertake. To assist them, we have also installed some of the most up to date equipment such as:
Solidworks 3D design software
Workload Optimising systems
CNC’s , Beam Saws and Edge Banders all supplied by Homag
Fully equipped spray shops
Our Factory
Environmental Commitment
Piper Joinery recognises the importance of environmental protection and our responsibility to the
wider environment and communities. As such we have undertaken projects such as:

Biomass Boiler System
Our Biomass Boiler system automatically extracts sawdust and shavings from all of our machinery and uses this, along with shredded offcuts, to provide heating to the whole factory. Overall, this results in:
- 100% recycled wood waste, saving over 300t per annum going to landfill
- Low carbon heating – 100% renewable
- Circa 260t of CO2 saved per annum on combustion emissions alone
Flat Bed Delivery Vehicle
When purchasing a new flat bed delivery vehicle, we engaged with a fabrication company to modify this to make two levels, whilst still allowing the capability for easy loading via a forklift.
These modifications have enabled us to maximise loading capacity so reducing the number of delivery trips which in turn reduces our carbon emissions.

FSC® Chain of Custody
For over a decade and in support of our environmental commitments, we have been certified
to supply finished products through the FSC chain of custody scheme